Offer Coaching Services to Motivated Clients

When you have a blog you are trying to position yourself as an expert in that field. Remember your readers follow you because they are interested in your point of view. I guarantee you some of them could actually use your expertise, reach out to them and offer coaching or consulting services. Create also a page in you website about these services you offer. It will generate good SEO and you will have an informational page to direct interested readers to.

Affiliate Marketing

There are many ways to do affiliate marketing, including hosting advertisements on your site and posting links that will lead readers to products or services that you can make a commission off of. 

You can join affiliate networks or advertise your own products, like amazon products. Whatever option you choose, affiliate marketing will turn passive readers into active customers and help your blog to grow.

Sell Digital Products

After a few months of managing your blog, you will notice some of your posts attracted more readers than others. It might be a good idea to dive into the ideas of those articles. You could offer your users a paid digital product (PDF, Video, eBook, ...) with more in-detail research and thoughts. 

Sell Online Courses

Once you have a solid email list of readers interested in what you do you can start building an online course focusing on your most popular topics. Let me be clear, you don't need tens of thousands of followers to create your first course. Just make sure it is something your community could take advantage of. Take the time to estimate the number of people attending and the price range of tickets. 

Putting together an online course takes more time than you would think. Make sure you plan your time well. Holaloro Studio can help you build a system to sell your online courses to your mailing list. 

Allow your readers to purchase tickets to access your course, manage their premium account independently, and automatically update it when new courses are purchased.

How to turn your blog into a membership site with Rapidweaver and Stacks Pro?